The times - they are a changing. After twenty five years we closed the doors to our store in Fullerton, California on August first, 2007. But when we closed the doors of our brick-and-mortar store we did not close our business, we simply moved to our new location -- the Internet! Mr Waterbed has always enjoyed a reputation for fine quality and perfect service to our clients.
Jacinta P. — Ben did a great job creating our bed, we wanted something slightly different so we sent photos and sketches with notes and
Seabreeze Outdoor Leisure Furniture provides best quality American made furniture. Seabreeze Outdoor Leisure Furniture has been providing best quality; commercial grade patio furniture since 1979. Only the highest grade materials are used in the production of chaise lounges. We sell exclusively to apartment complexes, community associations, hotels, motels, mobile home parks and builders.
Richard Stubbs — Seabreeze brings the core values of customer service, thank you Joey!
We have helped thousands of businesses with their national and global commercial moving, storage, and furniture needs. Family-owned and operated, Corovan is the largest commercial moving and storage company, serving businesses of all industries and sizes Globally. We specialize in National Commercial Moving Services and have the resources and experience to meet your expectations.
Spot Brazil — Critical:Professionalism, Responsiveness I can't tell how upset was my experience with this company. They are dishonest and